Author Topic: Black Ops  (Read 6921 times)

{1T1F} Ultrex

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Black Ops
« on: January 21, 2016, 06:00:47 PM »
We now have a server set up for Black Ops on Steam - It is Unranked - the name is 1t1fblops - this was set up by Spynner and we are going to try it out and see what everyone thinks.

{1T1F} Spynner

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Re: Black Ops
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2016, 10:18:13 PM »
possible rolls....

1. Cocaine
2. One-hit death
3. Triple HP
4. 20 Perks
5. FRAGment
6. Go get 'em Makarov
8. Knife Runner
9. Needle Gun
10. Turtle
11. Im all out of gum..
12. Unlimited ammo
13. Double HP and roll again!
14. Godmode for 15 seconds
16. Invisibility for 15 seconds
17. Farsighted
18. Claymore
19. Flashing
20. No perks, no skills.
21. Extra Hardcore
22. Arcade
23. Cartoon
24. Blood Malfunction
25. Spy
26. The Golden Crossbow
27. No Melee
28. Explosion Resistant
29. Blood Ammo
30. Mini Gungame
31. Lubetube
32. Suicide Bomber
33. Invisible Weapon
35. Aura
36. Super speed for 15 seconds
37. Paranoid
38. Zombie
39. Artillery Marker
40. Lovetube Pro
41. Telekinetic
42. Super Damage
43. Ice Bullets
44. Weapon Dealer
45. Copycat
46. Ninja
48. Ragdoll
49. Roll Twice
51. Jetpack
52. They're watching you..
53. Terminator
54. Valkyrie
55. ProMod
56. You are on fire!
57. Orgasm
58. Valkyrie Fire
59. Double Bling
60. Nuoh my god!
61. RCXD
62. Paradox
63. Shades
64. Pyromaniac
65. Lag!
66. I'm blue
67. Knockback
68. Pullback
69. Fat
70. Teleport
71. Rainbow world
72. Third Person
73. Too much whisky
74. No Magazines
75. Cowboy
76. 50 Perks
77. Chrome
78. Rockets n stuff
79. Rockit Lawnchair
81. World of Wax
82. Sunset
83. Roll Twice
84. Unlimited Ammo and roll again!
85. Submachine Gungame
86. Heaven
87. Sphere
88. Cocaine Shot and Reroll
89. Vampire
90. Rapist
91. One Man Army
92. Prey
93. Smoker
94. 25 Percent Chance of NUKE
95. Free Strela Firing
96. Darkness Reincarnate
97. Anticamp
98. Suicidal
99. Paintball
100. Choose a roll
101. Bomberman
102. One in the Chamber
103. Sticks and Stones
104. Your favourite pistol
105. C4 Suit
106. Attractive
107. D'awww
108. Ghillie
109. Marksman
110. Master Cook
111. Bunnyhopper
112. Alien
113. Headless
114. Pew pew
115. Headshot only
116. Fashionable
117. Mines
118. Leap
119. Jumper
120. Charlie Sheen
121. Martyr
122. iExplode
123. Molotov Cocktail
124. 360
125. Blue
127. Shinra
128. Bond. James Bond
129. Bolt-Action
130. Retreat
132. Laser Dot
133. Dead Ops
134. Wizard
135. Acid
136. Don't leave me hands!
137. Nitro
138. Pain screams
139. Roll Triple
140. Steal rolls
141. High jump
142. Forge
143. Jason
144. Storm
145. True Camper
146. Crawler
147. Kamikaze
148. Grenade Training
149. Ballistic Training
150. Grappling Hook